Apply USB Network Adapter on Linux

This section takes the QuecPython EC200UEU_AB EVB as an example to demonstrate the use of USB network adapter functionality on Linux.

The ECM mode can be directly loaded and used in Linux, Android, or IOS without a driver.

  1. Prepare the development environment

    Please refer to the Getting Started section (skip if you are already familiar) to set up the development environment.
    In this case, the Ubuntu version of the Linux system is used for testing.

  2. Open the QPYCOM tool and connect the device

    Power on the module, connect to the computer via a USB port, and use QPYCOM tool to connect to the python interface of USB.

  3. Write a startup script for the USB network adapter

    Please refer to the corresponding USBNET section on the Wiki for specific USB network adapter interface.
    Create a new file named and enter the following content:

    # Import required packages
    from misc import USBNET
    from misc import Power
    import sim
    import dataCall
    import utime
    def usbnet_start():
        # Check if the USBNET working mode is ECM, if not, set it to ECM and restart the module.
        saved_type = USBNET.get_worktype()
        if saved_type != USBNET.Type_ECM :
        # Check SIM card status, exit if no SIM card is inserted.
        sim_info = sim.getStatus()
        if sim_info != 1:
        # Continuously check the network registration status, and enable USBNET when network registration information is obtained.
        while True:
            lte = dataCall.getInfo(1,0)
            if type(lte) == tuple and lte[2][0] == 1:
                if lte[2][2] != '':
        # Enable USBNET functionality.
  4. Import the startup file

    Drag the written script into the module file system's usr partition via the QPYCom file panel. The file is executed during startup.

  5. Connect the USB to Ubuntu

    Connect the USB port of the device to the Ubuntu system.

  6. Confirm the USB network adapter connection

    After the network adapter is loaded, check the network adapter status with the ifconfig command. You will see the newly added usb0 network adapter. As shown in the following figure:

  7. Confirm network connectivity

    Check the connection by pinging As shown in the following figure: