class ASR5803W - ASR5803W Driver

This class controls the Wi-Fi NIC: ASR5803W .

Supported module models: EC200A series.



class network.ASR5803W(mode, wlan_ldo_en_pin, wlan_reset_pin, host_wake_wlan_pin, wlan_wake_host_pin)

Initialize the Wi-Fi NIC information and return the Wi-Fi NIC object.


  • mode - Integer type. Wi-Fi NIC working mode. 0: AP mode. 1: STA mode (not supported currently).
  • wlan_ldo_en_pin - Integer type. EN pin of the Wi-Fi NIC.
  • wlan_reset_pin - Integer type. Reset pin of the Wi-Fi NIC.
  • host_wake_wlan_pin - Integer type. Pin of module waking up the Wi-Fi NIC.
  • wlan_wake_host_pin - Integer type. Pin of Wi-Fi NIC waking up the module.


import network
from machine import Pin

nic = network.ASR5803W(0, Pin.GPIO7, Pin.GPIO36, Pin.GPIO34, Pin.GPIO6)


Configure/query the activation status of ASR5803W. If is_active is specified, configure the NIC status. If is_active is not specified, query the NIC status.


  • is_active - Boolean type.

    True: Enable the NIC and activate the NIC configuration

    False: Disable the NIC

Return Value

0: Successful execution

Other value: Failed execution



Query whether there is a client connected to the Wi-Fi NIC.

Return Value

True: A client is connected to the Wi-Fi NIC

False: No client is connected to the Wi-Fi NIC



Query the NIC status. param can be stations/node or speed . You can only query one parameter value at a time. If param is not specified, query the current connection status. If param is stations/node or speed , query the corresponding parameter value.


  • stations/node - List of devices currently connected to the client
  • speed - Network speed of the NIC.

Return Value

If param is not specified

  • True - The NIC is connected.
  • False - The NIC is not connected.

If param is stations/node

  • List type. List of devices currently connected to the client.

    • 0: No device is connected.

    • A list containing two elements: At least one device is connected.

      • Element 1: Integer type. The number of currently connected devices.

      • Element 2: Tuple type. Information of the currently connected devices. The information in the tuple includes the device MAC address (byte type), the device IP address (string type), and the device connection time (Integer type. Unit: second).

If param is speed

  • Tuple type. The current network speed of the NIC.
    • Element 1: Integer type. Downlink network speed. Unit: bps.
    • Element 2: Integer type. Uplink network speed. Unit: bps.



Query/configure network information.

If only the parameter name is specified, ASR5803W.config is used to query the current parameter value. Only one value can be queried at a time.

If the parameter value is specified, ASR5803W.config is used to configure the parameter. When the return value is True, it indicates a successful setting; when the return value is False, it indicates a failed setting. Multiple values can be configured at the same time.


Parameter Type Description
ssid str Wi-Fi network name
authmode enum Authentication type
security enum Encryption method
password str Password
protocol enum Network protocol
channel enum Wi-Fi network channel number
b40acs bool Channel adaptation in LTE band 40
mac str MAC address

Query network information:

# Query SSID configuration

Configure network information:

# Configure Wi-Fi name and channel
ASR5803W.config(ssid='ssid', channel=1)