uio - Input/Output Streams

uio contains additional types of stream (file-like) objects and helper functions. This feature implements a subset of the corresponding CPython feature, as described below. For more information, refer to the original CPython documentation: io .

Support IOBase, BytesIO, FileIO, StringIO, TextIO.


fd = uio.open('/usr/test.py', mode='r', encoding='UTF-8')

Open File


uio.open(name, mode='r', **kwarg)

Opens a file. This is an alias for the built-in open() function.


  • name : String type. File name.

  • mode : String type. Open mode.

Open Mode Description
'r' Open a file for reading.
'w' Open a file for writing only. Overwrites the file if the file exists.
'a' Opens a file for appending. The file pointer is at the end of the file, so the content is added to the end.
  • **kwarg : Variable-length parameter list.

Return Value
uio object – Successful execution

Error – Failed execution

Close File



Closes the open files.