audio - Audio Playback

Class feature: Audio playback.

Currently supported modules:EC600N Series, EC800N Series, EC600M-CN(LA/LE), EC800M-CN(LA/LE/GA), EC600U Series, EC200U Series, EG912U, EG915U and EG915N-EUAG.


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
import audio
from machine import Pin
import utime

def audio_cb(event):
    if event == 0:
        print('audio-play start.')
    elif event == 7:
        print('audio-play finish.')

aud = audio.Audio(0)
# Sets pa
# Plays MP3, 1, 'U:/music.mp3')

# Audio stream playback
size = 10*1024 # Ensures that the audio data filled at once is large enough for continuous playback on the underlying layer
format = 4

def play_from_fs():
    file_size = uos.stat("/usr/test.amr")[6]  # Gets the total number of bytes of the file
    with open("/usr/test.amr", "rb")as f:   
        while 1:
            b =   # read
            if not b:
            aud.playStream(format, b)

# Waits for the playback to finish
# Stops the playback so that it does not affect the next playback



class audio.Audio(device)

Creates an audio object.


  • device - Integer type. The output channel. 0 indicates earpiece, 1 indicates headphone and 2 indicates speaker. See the table below for the specific channels supported by each module.

Channels Supported by the Module:

Module Series Earpiece Headphone Speaker
EC200N/EC600N/EC800N Supported Unsupported Unsupported
EC600M-CN(LA/LE) Supported Unsupported Unsupported
EC800M-CN(LA/LE/GA) Supported Unsupported Unsupported
EG810M Supported Unsupported Unsupported
EG915N/EG912N Supported Unsupported Unsupported
EG912U Supported Unsupported Unsupported
EC200U Unsupported Unsupported Supported
EC600U Supported Supported Supported
EG915U Supported Supported Unsupported
EC600S Supported Unsupported Unsupported
EC600K/EC800K Supported Unsupported Unsupported
EC800G-CN(GA/TT/LA) Supported Supported Supported
EC600G-CN(LA) Supported Supported Supported




This method sets the GPIO of the output PA.


  • gpio - Integer type. The output GPIO. Refer to Pin.
  • num - Integer type. Number of power-on pulses.

Return Value

1- Successful execution; 0- Failed execution., breakin, filename)

This method plays audio files.

It supports the playback of MP3, AMR, and WAV format files. Priorities from 0 to 4 are supported, with a higher number indicating a higher priority. Each priority group supports up to 10 playback tasks simultaneously, and the same playback queue is shared with TTS playback.

Note: Since the TTS and audio file playback share the same playback queue, the playback priority and interruption mode set in the TTS are not only compared with those set in other TTS playback tasks, but also with those set in audio file playback tasks. Similarly, the playback priority and interruption mode set in audio file playback are also valid for those set in TTS tasks.


  • priority - Integer type. Playback priority. Supports priorities from 0 to 4, with a higher number indicating a higher priority.
  • breakin - Integer type. Interruption mode. 0 indicates the playback is not allowed to be interrupted and 1 indicates the playback is allowed to be interrupted.
  • filename - Mode. String type. The name of the file to be played, including the file storage path. Click here for the description of the playback path.

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution

-1- Failed execution

1 - The task cannot be played immediately and is added to the playback queue.

-2- The task can neither be played immediately nor added to the playback queue because the task queue of the priority group for the request has reached its limit.

Description of the Playback Path:

The user partition path is fixed to start with ’U:/‘, representing the root directory of the user partition. If the user creates an "audio" directory in the root directory and stores the audio files in the "audio" directory, then the path parameter passed in the playback interface should be 'U:/audio/music.mp3'.



This method stops the audio that is currently playing.

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution; -1- Failed execution.



This method stops the playback of the entire queue. That is, if an audio file is currently being played and there are other audio files waiting to be played in the queue, calling this method will not only stop the current playback but also clear the entire queue and no more content is played. If an audio file is currently being played and the playback queue is empty, calling this method is as same as calling Audio.stop().

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution; -1- Failed execution.



This method registers the user's callback function to notify the user of the playback status of the audio file.

Note: It is recommended to only perform simple and short operations instead of time-consuming or blocking operations in this callback function.


  • cb - Function type. User callback function. The prototype is as follows:


    Parameter of the Callback Function

    • event - Integer type. Playback status. click here for the description of this parameter.

Return Value

0 - Successful execution; -1 - Failed execution.

Description of Parameter event 

event Status
0 Start playback
7 Playback complete



This method gets the audio initialization state.

Return Value:

0 - Successful initialization; -1 - Failed initialization.



This method gets the current playback volume. Range: 0–11. 0 indicates mute.

Return Value:

Volume value in integer type.



This method sets the playback volume. Range: 0–11. 0 indicates mute.


  • vol - Integer type. Playback volume. Range: 0–11.

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution; -1 - Failed execution.


Audio.playStream(format, buf)

This method plays audio stream. It supports audio stream in MP3, AMR, and WAV format.


  • format - Integer type. The audio stream format. 2 - WAVPCM3 - MP34 - AMRNB.
  • buf - Binary file. The content of the audio stream.

Return value:

0 - Successful execution; -1 - Failed execution.



This method stops playing the audio stream.



Return Value:

0 - Successful execution; -1 - Failed execution.


Audio.aud_tone_play(tone, time)

This method plays tone, and automatically stops playing after playing for a period of time.

For EC600N/EC800N series module, the value is immediately returned after calling this method. For EC600U/EC200U series module, the return value is in blocked and wait status.


  • tone - Integer type. The type of tone. Range: 0–15. Key tone (0~9, A, B, C, D, #, *),16: dialing tone.
  • time - Integer type. Playback time. Unit: ms. 0 indicates always playing without stopping.

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution; -1 - Failed execution.



This method actively stops playing the key tones.

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution; -1- Failed execution.