class wifilocator - Wi-Fi Positioning

This module provides the class of Wi-Fi positioning and gets the module longitude and latitude coordinate.

Currently, only EC600S/EC600N/EC800N/EC200U/EC600U/EG912U/EG915U series module supports this feature.


import wifilocator
# Creates a wifilocator object
wifiloc = wifilocator.wifilocator("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")
# Gets the module coordinate
(117.1152877807617, 31.82142066955567, 100)
# The secret key "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" used above refers to token. You can apply for a secret key from Quectel.



class wifilocator.wifilocator(token)

Creates a wifilocator object and configures the suite token of Wi-Fi positioning. Creates a wifilocator object and uses a specified token to configure the Wi-Fi positioning suite.


  • token - String type. Secret key. It consists of 16 bit characters and you can apply for it from Quectel.

Get the Coordinate



This method gets the module longitude and latitude coordinate.

Return Value:

If successful, it returns the module longitude and latitude coordinate. Tuple format: (longtitude, latitude, accuracy) ;

longtitude : longitude.

latitude : latitude.

accuracy : accuracy. Unit: meter.

If failed, it returns the error code. The error code description is as follows:

1 – Network error. Please confirm whether the dial is normal.

2 – Secret key length error. The length must be 16 bytes.

3 – Error in getting coordinates.