class DM9051 - DM9051 Ethernet NIC Control

This class controls Ethernet NIC devices of DM9051 .

Currently, only the EC600N/EG912N/EG915N series and EC800MCN_LE are supported.



class ethernet.DM9051(mac, ip='', subnet='', gateway='', spi_port=-1, spi_cs_pin=-1, extint_pin=-1, reset_pin=-1, work_mode=0)

Loads DM9051 driver, initializes DM9051 Ethernet NIC and returns DM9051 NIC object.


  • mac - Byte stream. MAC address with a length of 6 bytes.
  • ip - IP address of Ethernet NIC. The default value is an empty string'', indicating that the default IP address is in the program.
  • subnet - Subnet mask address of Ethernet NIC. The default value is an empty string'', indicating that is used as the subnet mask.
  • gateway - Gateway address of Ethernet NIC. The default value is an empty string'', indicating that the last bit of IP address is replaced with 1 as the gateway address.
  • spi_port - Connect to SPI port of DM9051 . The default value is -1 , indicating that the last configured value is used and the default configuration in the program is SPI1 port.
  • spi_cs_pin - Connect to SPI chip select GPIO pin of DM9051 . The default value is -1 , indicating that the last configured value is used and the default configuration in the program is Pin.GPIO13 .
  • extint_pin - Connect to external interrupt GPIO pin of DM9051 . The default value is -1 , indicating that the last configured value is used and the default configuration in the program is Pin.GPIO19 .
  • reset_pin - Connect to reset GPIO pin of DM9051 . The default value is -1 , indicating that the last configured value is used and the default configuration in the program is Pin.GPIO17 .
  • work_mode - Configure Ethernet working mode. The default mode is terminal mode. 0 and 1 respectively represents terminal mode and gateway mode. Terminal mode indicates that the module is used as a terminal device to connect to a network supply device to access the network. Gateway mode indicates that the module is used as a gateway to provide network access for external devices through LTE network.

The default value varies from platform to platform. It is recommended to define the available GPIO usage



nic.set_addr(ip, subnet, gateway)

Configures NIC static IP Address.


  • ip - IP address of Ethernet NIC. The value is an empty string'', indicating that the default IP address is in the program.
  • subnet - Subnet mask address of Ethernet NIC. The value is an empty string'', indicating that is used as the subnet mask.
  • gateway - Gateway address of Ethernet NIC. The value is an empty string'', indicating that the last bit of IP address is replaced with 1 as the gateway address.

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution

Other values - Failed execution

  • Example
nic.set_addr('', '', '')


nic.set_dns(primary_dns, secondary_dns)

Configures NIC DNS server.


  • primary_dns - Primary address of DNS server .
  • secondary_dns - Secondary address of DNS server.

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution

Other values - Failed execution


nic.set_dns('', '')



Enables NIC and then NIC processes network interfaces and messages normally.



Disables NIC and then NIC no longer processes network interfaces and messages.



Obtains dynamic IP. This method is used in the terminal mode so that IP information can be automatically obtained.

Return Value:

0 - Successful execution

Other values - Failed execution



Obtains NIC network information. MAC address, host name, IP address type, IP address, subnet mask, gateway address and DNS server address can be obtained through this method.

Return Value:

List type.

The format is as follows:

[(mac, hostname), (iptype, ip, subnet, gateway, primary_dns,secondary_dns)].

Parameter Type Description
mac str mac address and the format is 'XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX' .
hostname str NIC name
iptype str ip type. 4 indicates IPv4 and 6 indicates IPv6 . Currently, only IPv4 is supported.
ip str IP address
subnet str Subnet mask
gateway str Gateway address
primary_dns str Primary address of DNS server
secondary_dns str Secondary address of DNS server