ftplib - FTP Client

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a standard protocol for transferring files over a computer network. It is based on a client-server model and uses control and data connections to enable file upload, download, and management operations.

ftplib is implemented in Python source code. If the corresponding firmware version does not support it by default, users can use the source code ftplib.py and put it in the default directory /usr. When using it, change from ftplib import FTP to from usr.ftplib import FTP.



class ftplib.FTP(host=None, port=None, user=None, passwd=None, acct=None,timeout=None)

Construct an FTP connection object.

  1. If host and port are actively passed when instantiating parameters, the connect method will be actively called after the object is successfully constructed to connect to the server. Connection failure will trigger an exception. If not passed, you need to call the connect method yourself.
  2. On the basis of active connection, entering user and port will call the login method to log in to the server after the connection is successful. If not entered, you need to call the login method yourself.


  • host - Optional parameter, FTP server address, string type, need to call connect method to connect server if not passed.
  • port - Optional parameter, FTP server port, integer, default port is 21.
  • user - Optional parameter, client login username, string type, anonymous access if not specified, default is 'anonymous'.
  • passwd- Optional parameter, client login password, string type, default is 'anonymous@' if user is 'anonymous'.
  • acct- Optional parameter, account, string type, empty by default, generally not set.
  • timeout- Optional parameter, connection timeout, integer, unit second.

Return Value

  • Return FTP object.


# The feature is included if no exception is thrown
from ftplib import FTP

# Create FTP object without passing parameters  
ftp = FTP()

# Create FTP object by passing parameters, will connect and login server based on passed host and user
host = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'
port = 21 
ftp = FTP(host='xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx', port=21, user='xxx', passwd='xxx')

Set Debug Level



Set the debug level of the instance, which controls the amount of debug information. The default value 0 does not generate debug information. The value 1 generates a medium amount of debug information, usually one line per request. Values greater than or equal to 2 generate the most debug information, and every line sent and received on the FTP control connection will be logged.


  • level - Optional parameter, debug level, integer, default is 0.

Return Value

  • None.



Connect to FTP Server


ftp.connect(host, port, timeout)  

The FTP client initiates a connection request to the server.


  • host - Required parameter, FTP server address, string type, need to call connect method if not passed.
  • port - Optional parameter, FTP server port, integer, default port is 21.
  • timeout - Optional parameter, connection timeout, integer, unit second.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 220, indicating successful connection (e.g. '220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)'), otherwise connection failed.


host = 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx'  
port = 21

ftp.connect(host=host, port=port)
# 220 (vsFTPd 3.0.3)

Login to FTP Server


ftp.login(user, passwd)

The FTP client initiates a login request to the server. The login request needs to be made after the connection is established successfully.


  • user - Optional parameter, client login username, string type, anonymous access if not specified, default is 'anonymous'.
  • passwd - Optional parameter, client login password, string type, default is 'anonymous@' if user is 'anonymous'.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 230, indicating successful login (e.g. '230 Login successful.'), otherwise login failed.


user = 'xxx'  
passwd = 'xxx'

ftp.login(user=user, passwd=passwd)  
# 230 Login successful.

FTP Operation Commands



Return file name list, default is current server directory.


  • args - Optional parameter, directory to be listed (default is current server directory), list type.

Return Value

  • File name list.


# ['FTP-TEST', 'system_config.json']  



Get content list in current directory.


  • args - Optional parameter, directory to return, list type.

Return Value

  • Content list in the directory.


# -rw-r--r--    1 1002     1002           12 Jul 26 10:07 FTP-TEST  
# -rw-------    1 1002     1002           17 Jul 28 16:40



Get current FTP server directory.

Return Value

  • Current FTP server directory.


# /home/ftpuser


ftp.rename(fromname, toname) 

Rename a file on the FTP server.


  • fromname - Required parameter, filename to be modified, string type.
  • toname - Required parameter, renamed filename, string type.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 250, indicating successful renaming (e.g. '250 Rename successful.'), otherwise renaming failed.


from_name = ftp.pwd() + '/system_config.json'  
to_name = ftp.pwd() + '/system.json'
ftp.rename(from_name, to_name)
# 250 Rename successful.



Delete a file on the FTP server.


  • file_name - Required parameter, filename to delete, string type.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 250, indicating successful deletion (e.g. '250 Delete operation successful.'), otherwise deletion failed.


file_name = ftp.pwd() + '/system.json' 
# 250 Delete operation successful.



Create a directory on the FTP server.


  • pathname - Required parameter, file path of directory to be created, string type.

Return Value

  • Return created path information, string format.


new_dir = ftp.pwd() + '/test_dir'  
# /home/ftpuser/test_dir  



Set current directory on server side.


  • pathname - Required parameter, path to set, string type.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 250, indicating successful setting (e.g. '250 Directory successfully changed.'), otherwise setting failed.


target_dir = ftp.pwd() + '/test_dir'  
# 250 Directory successfully changed.



Close FTP server connection.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 221, indicating successful disconnection (e.g. '221 Goodbye.'), otherwise disconnection failed.


# 221 Goodbye.

File Download


ftp.retrbinary(cmd, callback, blocksize)  

Use RETR filename FTP command to download files from FTP server to local in binary mode. It is recommended when handling binary files (such as images, videos, audios, etc.).


  • cmd - Required parameter, transfer command, consist of RETR + filename (separated by spaces), string type.
  • callback - Required parameter, callback function to receive remote file data.
    • Function prototype: function(msg)
    • Parameter:
      • msg: Bytes type, used to receive file data transferred from FTP server to local.
  • blocksize - Optional parameter, set maximum bytes per transfer, default is 2048K.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 226, indicating successful file download (e.g. 226 Transfer complete), otherwise download failed.


path = 'usr/' # Root dir of module user partition is 'usr'  
filename = 'ftp_file.bin' # Filename to download  

# Open and create a file  
save_fp = open(path + filename, 'wb+')
# Get current path on server  
server_path = ftp.pwd()
# Establish download connection, save_fp.write is write file operation, passed as callback function  
res = ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + server_path + '/' + filename, save_fp.write)
# Download complete  
msg = 'Down %s to device %s.'  
if res.startswith('226 Transfer complete'):  
    print(msg % (filename, 'success'))
    return True  
    print(msg % (filename, 'falied'))
    return False    


ftp.retrlines(cmd, callback)  

Use RETR filename FTP command to download files in text mode, usually used to download text files.


  • cmd - Required parameter, transfer command, consist of RETR + filename (separated by spaces), string type.
  • callback - Required parameter, callback function to receive remote file data.
    • Function prototype: function(msg)
    • Parameter:
      • msg: Bytes type, used to receive file data transferred from FTP server to local.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 226, indicating successful file download (e.g. 226 Transfer complete), otherwise download failed.


path = 'usr/' # Root dir of module user partition is 'usr'  
filename = 'ftp_file.txt' # Filename to download  

# Open and create a file  
save_fp = open(path + filename, 'wb+') 
# Get current path on server
server_path = ftp_obj.pwd()  
# Establish download connection, save_fp.write is write file operation, passed as callback function
res = ftp_obj.retrlines('RETR ' + server_path + '/' + filename, save_fp.write)
# Download complete
msg = 'Down %s to device %s.'  
if res.startswith('226 Transfer complete'):
    print(msg % (filename, 'success')) 
    return True  
    print(msg % (filename, 'falied'))
    return False     

File Upload


ftp.storbinary(cmd, fp, blocksize)

Upload file to FTP server in binary format.


  • cmd - Required parameter, transfer command, consist of STOR + filename (separated by spaces), string type.
  • fp - Required parameter, local file handle.
  • blocksize - Optional parameter, maximum bytes to read per file each time, default is 2048K.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 226, indicating successful file upload (e.g. 226 Transfer complete), otherwise upload failed.


path = 'usr/' # Root dir of module user partition is 'usr'  
filename = 'ftp_file.bin'  

# Check if file exists  
if filename in uos.listdir('usr/'):
    print('File exists') 
    with open(path + filename, 'rb') as fp:
    # cmd should be STOR command. fp is a file object (opened in binary mode). 
    res = ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + filename, fp)  
    msg = 'Upload %s to FTP Server %s.'
    if res.startswith('226 Transfer complete'):
        print(msg % (filename, 'success'))
        return True
        print(msg % (filename, 'falied')) 
        return False  
    print('File path does not exist')  


ftp.storlines(cmd, fp)

Upload file to FTP server in ASCII format.


  • cmd - Required parameter, transfer command, consist of STOR + filename (separated by spaces), string type.
  • fp - Required parameter, local file handle.

Return Value

  • Return string starting with 226, indicating successful file upload (e.g. 226 Transfer complete), otherwise upload failed.


path = 'usr/' # Root dir of module user partition is 'usr'  
filename = 'ftp_file.txt'  

# Check if file exists  
if filename in uos.listdir('usr/'):
    print('File exists')
    with open(path + filename, 'rb') as fp:
    # cmd should be STOR command.  
    res = ftp.storlines('STOR ' + filename, fp)
    msg = 'Upload %s to FTP Server %s.'
    if res.startswith('226 Transfer complete'):
        print(msg % (filename, 'success'))
        return True  
        print(msg % (filename, 'falied'))
        return False
    print('File path does not exist') 

Introduction to FTP Client Commands

Following are commonly used FTP client commands:

  • CONNECT: Establish connection with FTP server.
  • USER: Specify login username.
  • PASS: Specify login password.
  • LIST: List files and subdirectories in current directory on server.
  • CWD: Change current working directory.
  • PWD: Show path of current working directory.
  • RETR: Download files from server to local computer.
  • STOR: Upload local files to server.
  • DELE: Delete files on server.
  • MKD: Create new directories on server.
  • RMD: Delete directories on server.
  • RNFR: Specify file or directory to rename.
  • RNTO: Specify renamed file or directory name.
  • PASV: Enter passive mode for data transfer.
  • TYPE: Specify data transfer type, e.g. ASCII or binary.
  • SIZE: Get file size information on server.
  • SYST: Get operating system type of server.
  • NOOP: Null operation to keep control connection active.
  • QUIT: Disconnect from server.