wifiScan - Wi-Fi Scan

wifiScan provides both synchronous and asynchronous modes to scan the Wi-Fi hotspot information around the module.

The following modules support the wifiScan feature.

EC100Y/EC200N/EC600N/EC600S/EC600M/EC800M/EC800N/EG912N/EG915N/EG810M/EC600G/EC800G/EC200U/EC600U/EG912U/EG915U series module.

In EC600M series module: EC600MCN_LA/EC600MCN_LE/EC600MEU_LA support the wifiScan feature.

In EC800M series module: EC800MCN_GA/EC800MCN_LA/EC800MCN_LE/EC800MCN_LF/EG810MCN_GA support the wifiScan feature.

In EC600U series module: EC600UCN_LB/EC600UEU_AB support the wifiScan feature.

In E200U series module: EC200UAU_AA/EC200UAU_AB/EC200UCN_AA/EC200UCN_LA/EC200UCN_LB/EC200UEU_AA/EC200UEU_AB support the wifiScan feature.

In EG912U series module: EG912UGL_AA support the wifiScan feature.

In EG915U series module: EG915UEU_AB/EG915ULA_AB support the wifiScan feature.

Enable/Disable Wi-Fi Scan



Enables or disables Wi-Fi scan.


  • option - Integer type. Wi-Fi scan control option.

    0 - Disable Wi-Fi scan

    1 - Enable Wi-Fi scan

Return Value

0 - Successful execution

-1 - Failed execution


>>> import wifiScan
>>> wifiScan.control(1) # Enable Wi-Fi scan.
>>> wifiScan.control(0) # Disable Wi-Fi scan.



Gets the current status of Wi-Fi scan.

Return Value

True - The Wi-Fi scan is enabled.

False - The Wi-Fi scan is disabled.

Set and Get the Scan Parameters of Wi-Fi Scan


wifiScan.setCfgParam(timeout, round, maxNums[, priority])

Sets the scan parameters of Wi-Fi scan.


  • timeout - Integer type. Timeout. When a timeout is triggered, the system automatically reports the detected hot spots. If the specified number of hot spots is detected before the timeout, the system stops scanning and returns the scanning result. Range: 4–60. Unit: s.

  • round - Integer type. Number of scan rounds. When the number of scan rounds is reached, the scan ends and the scan result is returned. Range: 1–3. Unit: time.

  • maxNums - Integer type. The maximum number of scanned hotspots. When the number of scanned hotspots reaches the upper limit, the scan ends and the scan result is returned. Range: 4–30.

  • priority - Integer type. Priority of businesses.

    0 - Network business first. Wi-Fi scan will be interrupted when a data service is initiated.

    1 - Wi-Fi scan first. When a data service is initiated, the RRC connection is not set up. To ensure that the Wi-Fi scan is performed properly, the RRC connection is set up only after the scan is complete.

Return Value

0 - Successful execution

-1 - Failed execution

EC200U/EC600U/EG912U/EG915U/EC600G/EC800G series module does not support priority , so priority can be omitted.



Gets the scan parameters of Wi-Fi scan.

Return Value

A tuple (timeout, round, maxNums, priority) - Successful execution

-1 - Failed execution

See (timeout, round, maxNums, priority) in wifiScan.setCfgParam for details.

Register Callback Function



Registers the callback function. When asynchronous scanning is used, you need to register the callback function, and the scan result is returned to the user through the callback function.


  • fun - Callback function name. The callback function format and parameters are described below.
def wifiscanCallback(args):
Parameter Type Description
args Tuple (nums, [(mac, rssi),...,(mac, rssi)])
nums - Integer type. The number of scanned Wi-Fi hotspots.
mac - String type. MAC address of the Wi-Fi hotspots.
rssi - Integer type. Signal strength of the Wi-Fi hotspots.

Return Value

0 - Successful execution

-1 - Failed execution

Start Scanning



Starts scanning in Wi-Fi scan asynchronous mode. The scan result is returned through the registered callback function.

Return Value

0 - Successful execution

-1 - Failed execution


import wifiScan

def wifiscanCallback(args):
    print('wifi list:{}'.format(args))


Execution result
wifi list:(2, [('F0:B4:29:86:95:C7', -79),('44:00:4D:D5:26:E0', -92)])



Starts scanning in Wi-Fi scan synchronous mode. The scan result is returned after the scan is complete. Because the interface is synchronous, the program will be blocked in the interface when the scan does not end.

Return Value

A tuple (wifiNums, [(mac, rssi), ... , (mac, rssi)]) - Successful execution

-1 - Failed execution

Parameter Type Description
wifiNums Integer The number of scanned Wi-Fi hotspots.
mac String MAC address of the Wi-Fi hotspots.
rssi Integer Signal strength of the Wi-Fi hotspots.


>>> wifiScan.start()
(7, [('34:CE:00:09:E5:A8', -30), ('30:FC:68:E2:2D:F7', -44), ('12:CA:41:D4:B2:50', -54), ('D0:DB:B7:90:2D:07', -58), ('00:03:7F:12:CB:CB', -61), ('60:38:E0:C2:84:D9', -62), ('08:4F:0A:05:22:8F', -63)])